Malaria Smear & Antigen

$ 300.00



Malaria Smear & Antigen
Sample Type: Whole Blood

Tests Included:

Examination of blood smears for the presence of malaria parasites and detection of specific antigens associated with the malaria parasite.

Sample Required:

Blood sample.

Test Time:

Results may be available within a few hours to a day, depending on the method used.

What is the test?

The Malaria Smear & Antigen test is used to diagnose malaria by identifying the presence of the malaria                         parasite in the blood.

Test Procedure:

Blood is collected and analyzed under a microscope to identify the presence of malaria parasites. Antigen                      tests may also be conducted to detect specific proteins produced by the parasites.

Test Range Values:

Results are qualitative, indicating either the presence or absence of malaria parasites or antigens.

When to Take the Test:

When there’s a suspicion of malaria due to symptoms like fever, chills, sweating, and fatigue, especially                          after traveling to or residing in an area where malaria is prevalent.

Who Should Take the Test:

Individuals exhibiting symptoms of malaria or those who have recently traveled to or lived in regions                            where malaria is common.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Malaria Smear & Antigen Test:

Q1: Can the Malaria Smear & Antigen test differentiate between different types of malaria parasites?

A: Yes, microscopic examination can help identify the species of malaria parasite present in the blood, which is crucial for determining appropriate treatment.

Q2: Are there factors that could affect the accuracy of the test? 

A: Yes, factors like the timing of the test in relation to the parasite’s life cycle, previous antimalarial treatment, and laboratory techniques can influence test accuracy.

Q3: Is it necessary to confirm a positive test result with additional tests?

A: Yes, especially in areas where malaria is not prevalent, confirming positive results through additional tests is recommended for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Q4: Can the test be negative even if malaria is suspected?

A: Yes, particularly if the test is done early in the infection when the parasite count is low or if the species of the parasite is not detected by the test.

Q5: Is treatment the same for all types of malaria infections?

A: No, treatment may vary depending on the species of the malaria parasite and its susceptibility to specific antimalarial medications. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment.

*Please note that specific testing protocols and guidelines may vary based on the latest recommendations from health authorities and regulatory agencies. It is essential to consult healthcare professionals and follow local testing guidelines for accurate and appropriate testing.

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