Factor IX Activity

$ 550.00



Factor IX Activity
Sample Type:Plasma

Test Included:

Measurement of Factor IX activity in the blood.

Sample Required:

Blood sample.

Test Time:

Results are usually available within a few days.

Test Procedure:

The blood sample is analyzed in the laboratory to determine the activity level of Factor IX, a clotting protein.

When to Take the Test:

When evaluating or diagnosing conditions related to bleeding disorders, particularly hemophilia B (Factor IX deficiency).

Who Should Take the Test:

Patients suspected of having bleeding disorders or individuals with a known diagnosis of hemophilia B might undergo this test for evaluation or monitoring purposes.

Precautions for Exceptional Cases:

Prior information about any medications or medical conditions affecting coagulation should be shared with the healthcare provider before the test.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Factor IX Activity Test:

Q1: What does a low Factor IX activity indicate?

A: Low Factor IX activity is characteristic of hemophilia B, a bleeding disorder similar to hemophilia A but caused by a deficiency of Factor IX instead of Factor VIII.

Q2: How is hemophilia B different from hemophilia A?

A: Hemophilia B, or Christmas disease, is similar to hemophilia A in symptoms and treatment but occurs due to a deficiency of Factor IX instead of Factor VIII.

Q3: What treatment options are available for low Factor IX activity?

A: Treatment for hemophilia B usually involves replacement therapy with Factor IX concentrates to aid in blood clotting and prevent bleeding episodes.

Q4: Can Factor IX activity testing differentiate between different severity levels of hemophilia B?

A: Yes, the level of Factor IX activity can indicate the severity of hemophilia B. Severe cases have very low activity, moderate cases have higher activity, and mild cases have relatively normal activity levels.

Q5: Can individuals with hemophilia B lead a normal life with treatment?

A: Yes, with proper treatment and care, individuals with hemophilia B can lead relatively normal lives. However, they need to take precautions to prevent bleeding episodes and complications.

*Please note that specific testing protocols and guidelines may vary based on the latest recommendations from health authorities and regulatory agencies. It is essential to consult healthcare professionals and follow local testing guidelines for accurate and appropriate testing.

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