Gastric Parietal Abs

$ 680.00



Gastric Parietal Abs
Sample Type:Serum

Tests Included:

Detection of antibodies targeting gastric parietal cells.

Sample Required:

Blood sample

Test Time:

Results are typically available within a few days.

Test Range Values:

Results are reported as positive or negative for the presence of gastric parietal cell antibodies.

What is the test?

Gastric parietal antibodies are autoantibodies that target cells in the stomach lining. This test detects these antibodies and is used in diagnosing autoimmune gastritis and pernicious anemia.

Test Procedure:

A blood sample is drawn from a vein, and the presence of antibodies targeting gastric parietal cells is detected in the laboratory.

When to take the test:

This test is ordered when there’s suspicion of autoimmune gastritis, pernicious anemia, or other autoimmune conditions affecting the stomach.

Who should take the test:

Individuals with symptoms like chronic stomach inflammation, vitamin B12 deficiency, or those with a family history of autoimmune conditions might be recommended to take this test.

Precautions for exceptional cases (pregnancy, etc.):

Gastric parietal antibodies testing is generally unrelated to pregnancy. Pregnant individuals should inform their healthcare provider about their pregnancy status.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Gastric Parietal Antibodies Test:

Q1: What is the link between gastric parietal antibodies and pernicious anemia?

A: Gastric parietal antibodies can target cells involved in vitamin B12 absorption, leading to pernicious anemia due to reduced B12 absorption.

Q2: Can other conditions besides pernicious anemia cause gastric parietal antibodies?

A: Yes, autoimmune gastritis and certain other autoimmune conditions can also lead to the production of gastric parietal antibodies.

Q3: Can this test determine the severity of autoimmune gastritis?

A: The presence of gastric parietal antibodies can aid in the diagnosis of autoimmune gastritis, but it might not necessarily determine the severity of the condition.

Q4: Can lifestyle changes impact the presence of gastric parietal antibodies?

A: No direct evidence suggests that lifestyle changes significantly impact the presence of gastric parietal antibodies. This test is more related to autoimmune conditions.

Q5: Can these antibodies indicate a higher risk of other autoimmune diseases?

A: Individuals with gastric parietal antibodies might have an increased risk of other autoimmune conditions, although this doesn’t guarantee the development of other diseases.

*Please note that specific testing protocols and guidelines may vary based on the latest recommendations from health authorities and regulatory agencies. It is essential to consult healthcare professionals and follow local testing guidelines for accurate and appropriate testing.

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