
$ 100.00


Sample Type:Serum

Tests Included:

Blood Urea Nitrogen measurement

Sample Required:

Blood sample

Test Time:

Results are typically available within a few days.

Test Range Values:

Normal BUN levels range from 7 to 20 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). There may be a small variance in values between laboratories.

What is the test?

The BUN test measures the amount of nitrogen in the blood that comes from urea, a waste product formed when proteins are broken down.

Test Procedure:

A blood sample is drawn from a vein, and the concentration of BUN is measured in the laboratory.

When to take the test:

The test is recommended when assessing kidney function or investigating conditions related to dehydration or protein intake.

Who should take the test:

Patients with symptoms of kidney disease, dehydration, heart failure, or those undergoing specific treatments might require this test. It’s usually ordered by nephrologists, internists, or healthcare providers managing kidney-related issues.

Precautions for exceptional cases (pregnancy, etc.):

BUN levels might be affected during pregnancy due to changes in kidney function. Pregnant individuals should discuss any abnormal results with their healthcare provider.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Test:

Q1: Can BUN levels fluctuate throughout the day?

A: Yes, BUN levels can fluctuate based on factors like hydration, diet, and overall health. It’s advisable to interpret BUN levels in the context of the individual’s situation.

Q2: What might cause elevated BUN levels?

A: Conditions like kidney disease, dehydration, heart failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, or high protein intake can elevate BUN levels.

Q3: Can low BUN levels indicate any health issues?

A: Low BUN levels are less common and might indicate liver disease, malnutrition, or overhydration. However, further evaluation is necessary for interpretation.

Q4: How does BUN relate to kidney function?

A: BUN levels are used as a marker for kidney function. Elevated levels might suggest decreased kidney function, but it’s not a definitive diagnostic measure.

Q5: Can dietary changes influence BUN levels?

A: Yes, changes in protein intake can affect BUN levels. A higher protein diet might elevate BUN levels, while a lower protein diet might reduce them.

*Please note that specific testing protocols and guidelines may vary based on the latest recommendations from health authorities and regulatory agencies. It is essential to consult healthcare professionals and follow local testing guidelines for accurate and appropriate testing.

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