Coagulation Profile

$ 3,500.00



Factor V Leiden, Protein C & S Activity, Free Protein S,Anti Thrombin 111
Sample Type: Plasma

Tests Included:

This profile comprises tests assessing various factors involved in blood clotting, including PT (Prothrombin Time), INR (International Normalized Ratio), and aPTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time).

Sample Required:

Blood sample.

Test Time:

Results are usually available within a day.

Test Range Values:

Results are compared to standard ranges for each coagulation factor measured.

What is the test?

The Coagulation Profile evaluates the functioning of clotting factors in the blood, essential for proper blood clotting and preventing excessive bleeding or clot formation.

Test Procedure:

Blood is collected and analyzed in the laboratory for clotting factor activity.

When to take the test:

This test is ordered when evaluating bleeding disorders, monitoring anticoagulant therapy, or assessing clotting issues before surgery.

Who should take the test:

Patients with unexplained bleeding or clotting tendencies, those on anticoagulant medications, or individuals undergoing surgical procedures might require this profile.

Precautions for exceptional cases (if any):

Inform the healthcare provider about any medications or supplements taken that might impact blood clotting.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Coagulation Profile:

Q1: What do PT and aPTT measure in the coagulation profile?

A: PT evaluates the extrinsic pathway of blood clotting, while aPTT assesses the intrinsic pathway.

Q2: How are these tests used in monitoring anticoagulant therapy?

A: They help evaluate the effect of medications like warfarin or heparin in managing blood clotting disorders.

Q3: Can certain medications affect the results of the coagulation profile?

A: Yes, anticoagulants, blood thinners, or even vitamin K supplements might influence the clotting factors measured.

Q4: Can this profile predict the risk of blood clots?

A: It helps assess clotting tendencies but is usually part of a broader assessment to determine clotting risks.

Q5: Can lifestyle changes impact the results?

A: Some factors like diet, alcohol consumption, or certain activities might influence blood clotting and the results of these tests.

*Please note that specific testing protocols and guidelines may vary based on the latest recommendations from health authorities and regulatory agencies. It is essential to consult healthcare professionals and follow local testing guidelines for accurate and appropriate testing.

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