
$ 300.00



Sample Type: Contact Lab

Tests Included:

Abscess Microscopy, Culture, and Sensitivity (M/C/S) involves a series of tests:

  1. Microscopy: Examines a sample from the abscess to identify the presence of bacteria or other microorganisms under a microscope.
  2. Culture: Attempts to grow and identify specific bacteria or microorganisms in the abscess sample under laboratory conditions.
  3. Sensitivity: Tests the identified bacteria against various antibiotics to determine which medications are effective in treating the infection (antibiotic susceptibility testing).

Sample Required:

Collection of pus or fluid from the abscess for testing.

Test Time:

Results for microscopy might be available on the same day, while culture and sensitivity testing may take a few days or longer.

Test Range Values:

Results are reported as the presence or absence of microorganisms in the sample and the specific bacteria or pathogens identified, along with the antibiotics to which they are sensitive or resistant.

What is the test?

This test evaluates the content of an abscess to identify the causative microorganism(s) and determine the most effective antibiotic(s) for treatment.

Test Procedure:

The pus or fluid from the abscess is collected and sent to the laboratory for microscopy, culture, and antibiotic sensitivity testing.

When to take the test:

Recommended when an individual presents with an abscess to identify the specific bacteria causing the infection and guide appropriate antibiotic therapy.

Who should take the test:

Individuals with symptoms of an abscess (localized swelling, pain, redness, pus drainage) or those not responding to initial antibiotic treatment might require this test.

Precautions for exceptional cases (pregnancy, etc.):

Testing for abscesses is essential for appropriate treatment, and the benefits generally outweigh any minimal risks associated with sample collection.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Abscess M/C/S:

Q1: Is it necessary to take antibiotics before the Abscess M/C/S test?

A: Ideally, samples should be collected before starting antibiotics to obtain accurate culture and sensitivity results. However, sometimes testing is still valuable even after starting antibiotics.

Q2: Can the test determine the cause of all abscesses?

A: The test helps identify bacterial causes in most cases, but some abscesses might be sterile or caused by non-bacterial infections or conditions, requiring different tests or evaluations.

Q3: Are there risks associated with collecting samples for the Abscess M/C/S?

A: The procedure to collect the abscess sample is generally safe but might cause minor discomfort or pain at the site.

Q4: Can the test indicate the severity of the infection?

A: Microbiology results might suggest the type of infection and potential severity, but a comprehensive assessment of symptoms and individual health status is necessary to determine the severity.

Q5: What if the Abscess M/C/S results are inconclusive?

A: Inconclusive results might occur due to various reasons. Further tests or repeat sampling might be required for a definitive diagnosis.

*Please note that specific testing protocols and guidelines may vary based on the latest recommendations from health authorities and regulatory agencies. It is essential to consult healthcare professionals and follow local testing guidelines for accurate and appropriate testing.

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