Lactose Intolerance (LCT Gene)

$ 600.00



13910 C/T, 22018G/A
Sample Type:Whole Blood

Tests Included:

The Lactose Intolerance (LCT Gene) test examines genetic markers associated with lactose intolerance, specifically variants in the LCT gene that impact lactase enzyme production.

Sample Required:

Usually a saliva or buccal swab sample for genetic testing.

Test Time:

Results might be available within a few weeks, depending on the laboratory and testing method.

Test Range Values:

Results are interpreted based on the presence or absence of specific genetic variants associated with lactose intolerance.

What is the test?

The Lactose Intolerance (LCT Gene) test identifies genetic variations linked to reduced lactase enzyme production, which can contribute to lactose intolerance.

Test Procedure:

Genetic material (DNA) is collected using a saliva or buccal swab sample and analyzed in the laboratory to detect specific genetic variants.

When to take the test:

It’s ordered when investigating suspected lactose intolerance or if there’s a family history of lactose intolerance symptoms.

Who should take the test:

Individuals experiencing symptoms of lactose intolerance, digestive issues after consuming dairy, or those with suspected lactose intolerance might require this genetic test.

Precautions for exceptional cases (if any):

No specific precautions are necessary for the test procedure.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Lactose Intolerance (LCT Gene) Test:

Q1: Can the test definitively diagnose lactose intolerance?

A: Genetic testing provides information about the likelihood of lactose intolerance based on genetic variants but is not a definitive diagnostic test.

Q2: Is this test useful if lactose intolerance symptoms are already present?

A: It can confirm genetic predisposition, but symptoms and response to lactose-free diets are also considered in diagnosis.

Q3: Can lactose intolerance develop later in life?

A: Yes, it can develop at any age due to various factors, including genetics, gut health, and other medical conditions.

Q4: Is lactose intolerance genetic?

A: Yes, genetics play a role. Certain genetic variations can impact the production of lactase enzyme, leading to reduced ability to digest lactose.

Q5: Can dietary changes help manage lactose intolerance?

A: Yes, avoiding lactose-containing foods or using lactase supplements can help manage symptoms in individuals with lactose intolerance.

*Please note that specific testing protocols and guidelines may vary based on the latest recommendations from health authorities and regulatory agencies. It is essential to consult healthcare professionals and follow local testing guidelines for accurate and appropriate testing.

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