Male Infertility Profile 2

$ 1,400.00



Male Infertility Profile 1 & Semenology
Sample Type:Serum,Semen

Tests Included:

The Male Infertility Profile 2 typically extends the assessment beyond Profile 1 and might include more detailed genetic testing, additional hormonal markers, or specialized sperm function tests.

Sample Required:

Semen sample for semen analysis, blood sample for hormone and genetic testing.

Test Time:

Results might vary but are usually available within a similar timeframe as Profile 1.

Test Range Values:

Interpretation is based on established reference ranges for sperm parameters, hormone levels, and genetic markers.

What is the test?

The Male Infertility Profile 2 is an expanded assessment, delving deeper into genetic, hormonal, and sperm function tests to diagnose complex fertility issues.

Test Procedure:

Similar to Profile 1, semen analysis, hormonal assessment, and genetic testing are conducted using appropriate samples.

When to take the test:

Ordered when Profile 1 results are inconclusive or when a more detailed evaluation is necessary to identify complex infertility causes.

Who should take the test:

Men with suspected complex infertility issues, recurrent IVF failures, or unexplained infertility might undergo Profile 2.

Precautions for exceptional cases (if any):

Follow any specific instructions provided by the healthcare provider for sample collection or fasting before blood tests if necessary.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Male Infertility Profile 2:

Q1: How is Profile 2 different from Profile 1?

A: Profile 2 involves an expanded range of tests, including more detailed genetic analysis, specialized sperm function tests, or additional hormonal markers, to identify complex infertility causes.

Q2: Can Profile 2 definitively diagnose complex infertility causes?

A: It aims to provide more comprehensive insights into potential underlying causes but might not always provide a definitive diagnosis.

Q3: Is genetic testing important in male infertility assessment?

A: Yes, genetic factors can contribute significantly to infertility, and detailed genetic analysis helps identify potential genetic issues impacting fertility.

Q4: Are specialized sperm function tests different from standard semen analysis?

A: Yes, they delve deeper into specific sperm function aspects beyond count, motility, and morphology, providing a more detailed understanding of sperm quality.

Q5: Can Profile 2 identify treatable causes of infertility?

A: Yes, by identifying specific causes, targeted treatments or interventions might be possible, depending on the diagnosed issue.

*Please note that specific testing protocols and guidelines may vary based on the latest recommendations from health authorities and regulatory agencies. It is essential to consult healthcare professionals and follow local testing guidelines for accurate and appropriate testing.

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