Parvovirus IgM

$ 850.00



Parvovirus IgM
Sample Type: Serum

Tests Included:

Measurement of Parvovirus IgM antibodies in the blood.

Sample Required:

Blood sample.

Test Time:

Results are typically available within a few days.

Test Range Values:

A positive result for Parvovirus IgM indicates acute or recent infection, while a negative result suggests no recent infection.

What is the test?

The Parvovirus IgM test measures the presence of immunoglobulin M antibodies to Parvovirus in the blood, indicating recent or acute infection.

Test Procedure:

A blood sample is drawn from a vein, and the presence of Parvovirus IgM antibodies is measured in the laboratory.

When to take the test:

When there’s suspicion of recent Parvovirus infection, especially in cases of rash, joint pain, or anemia.

Who should take the test:

Individuals showing symptoms of acute Parvovirus infection or those suspected of recent exposure.

Precautions for exceptional cases (pregnancy, etc.):

Pregnant individuals should consult healthcare providers as Parvovirus infection can be risky during pregnancy, especially if it’s a recent infection.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Parvovirus IgM:

Q1: How soon after infection does Parvovirus IgM appear in the blood?

A: IgM antibodies can appear within a week of infection and may persist for several months.

Q2: Can Parvovirus IgM testing differentiate between recent and past infections?

A: Yes, a positive IgM indicates recent or acute infection, while a negative result suggests past infection or no current infection.

Q3: Can Parvovirus IgM testing confirm if someone is contagious?

A: A positive result might indicate recent infection, suggesting potential contagiousness. However, consulting healthcare providers is essential for proper guidance.

Q4: Can Parvovirus IgM testing be used to monitor treatment effectiveness?

A: Monitoring IgM levels can help assess the resolution of acute infection but isn’t typically used to monitor treatment.

Q5: Are there situations where Parvovirus IgM might be falsely positive or negative?

A: Sometimes, cross-reactivity or timing of the test in relation to the infection might lead to false results. Confirmatory tests might be required in such cases.

*Please note that specific testing protocols and guidelines may vary based on the latest recommendations from health authorities and regulatory agencies. It is essential to consult healthcare professionals and follow local testing guidelines for accurate and appropriate testing.

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