Prothrombin time with INR

$ 130.00


Prothrombin time with INR
Sample Type: Plasma

Test Included:

Measurement of blood clotting time and INR (International Normalized Ratio)

Sample Required:

Blood sample

Test Time:

Results are typically available within a day.

Test Range Values:

Normal PT range is around 11 to 13.5 seconds; normal INR range is typically between 0.8 to 1.2.

What is the test?

This test measures how long it takes for blood to clot, evaluating the extrinsic pathway of coagulation. INR standardizes the PT test results.

Test Procedure:

A blood sample is collected and analyzed in the laboratory to determine PT and INR levels.

When to take the test:

Useful in monitoring blood-thinning medication (e.g., warfarin), assessing bleeding disorders, or evaluating liver function.

Who should take the test:

Individuals on anticoagulant therapy, those with clotting disorders, or liver-related issues may require this test.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Prothrombin Time with INR:

Q1: How often should PT/INR tests be done for individuals on anticoagulant therapy?

A: Frequency varies but typically at regular intervals to monitor medication effectiveness and ensure the appropriate dose.

Q2: Can certain foods or dietary habits affect PT/INR levels?

A: Vitamin K-rich foods can impact INR levels in individuals taking warfarin. Maintain a consistent intake of these foods and follow dietary advice provided.

Q3: Can the PT/INR test detect all bleeding disorders?

A: No, it primarily assesses the extrinsic pathway of coagulation. Additional tests may be needed to diagnose other bleeding disorders.

Q4: Are there any medications or supplements that can interfere with PT/INR test results?

A: Yes, some medications, herbal supplements, and antibiotics can affect PT/INR levels. Tell your doctor about everything you take, including supplements and drugs.

Q5: Can liver disease affect PT/INR levels?

A: Yes, liver dysfunction can impact clotting factor production, leading to abnormal PT/INR results.

*Please note that specific testing protocols and guidelines may vary based on the latest recommendations from health authorities and regulatory agencies. It is essential to consult healthcare professionals and follow local testing guidelines for accurate and appropriate testing.

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