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Sample Required:

No sample is required for Fluoroscopy. This imaging test involves real-time X-ray imaging with the use of a contrast medium to visualize internal structures and movements.

Test Time:

The duration of Fluoroscopy varies depending on the specific procedure being performed.

Test Normal Range:

Fluoroscopy is used for diagnostic and interventional purposes, and there is no specific normal range for the results. The images and real-time video are assessed by a radiologist or healthcare provider to guide procedures or identify abnormalities.

What is the Test?

Fluoroscopy is a dynamic imaging technique that involves real-time X-ray imaging. It is commonly used to visualize internal structures and movements, often in conjunction with a contrast medium to enhance visibility.

Test Procedure:

During Fluoroscopy, the patient may be positioned on an X-ray table. A contrast medium may be introduced, and real-time X-ray images or video are captured to observe the desired area or procedure.

When to Take the Test:

Fluoroscopy may be ordered for various diagnostic or interventional purposes, including gastrointestinal studies, joint injections, or catheter placements.

Who Should Take This Test:

Individuals undergoing procedures that require real-time X-ray guidance or those needing dynamic imaging of internal structures may undergo Fluoroscopy.

Precautions for Exceptional Cases (Pregnancy, etc.):

If you are pregnant or suspect you might be pregnant, it is important to inform the healthcare provider before the test. Special precautions, such as shielding, may be taken to minimize radiation exposure.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is Fluoroscopy a painful procedure?

A: Fluoroscopy itself is not painful. Discomfort may arise if a contrast medium is used or during certain interventional procedures.

Q2: How long does a Fluoroscopy procedure take?

A: The duration varies depending on the specific procedure being performed. It can range from a few minutes to an hour or more.

Q3: Can Fluoroscopy detect all types of internal movements?

A: Fluoroscopy is effective in visualizing and recording various internal movements, making it valuable for procedures like joint injections or gastrointestinal studies.

Q4: Is Fluoroscopy safe during pregnancy?

A: The use of Fluoroscopy during pregnancy is generally avoided unless deemed necessary for medical reasons. Inform your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or suspect pregnancy.

Q5: What can Fluoroscopy reveal?

A: Fluoroscopy provides real-time imaging, allowing healthcare providers to visualize internal structures, movements, and guide interventional procedures as needed.

*Please note that specific testing protocols and guidelines may vary based on the latest recommendations from health authorities and regulatory agencies. It is essential to consult healthcare professionals and follow local testing guidelines for accurate and appropriate testing.

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