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Allergy screening Phadiatop-Adult

Original price was: ₹ 1,463.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,109.00.

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Blood, NA, Fasting or Non Fasting: As suggested by doctor

sample requiredSample Required:

A blood sample is required for the Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult test. A healthcare professional will collect a sample of your blood using a needle and a syringe.

test timeTest Time:

The test time for analyzing the Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult can vary depending on the laboratory performing the test. Typically, the results are available within a few days.

test normal rangeTest Normal Range:

The normal range for the Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult test is determined based on the specific allergens being screened and the laboratory conducting the test. The laboratory will provide the normal reference range along with the test results.

what is the testWhat is the test?

The Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult is a blood test used to screen for common allergens in adults. It helps identify specific allergens that may be causing allergic reactions or symptoms in individuals. The test detects the presence of specific IgE antibodies, which are produced by the immune system in response to allergens.

test procedureTest Procedure:

To perform the Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult test, a healthcare professional will collect a blood sample from a vein in your arm. The sample will be sent to a laboratory for analysis. In the laboratory, the sample is tested against a panel of common allergens to determine the presence of specific IgE antibodies.

when to take the testWhen to take the test?

The Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult test may be recommended if you are experiencing symptoms of allergies, such as recurrent sneezing, itching, wheezing, or skin rashes. It can help identify the allergens triggering your symptoms and guide further allergy management and treatment.

who should take this testWho should take this test?

The Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult test is typically performed on adults who suspect they have allergies or have a history of allergic reactions. It may be ordered by your healthcare provider if they suspect you are allergic to specific substances or if they need to identify the triggers for your allergy symptoms.

precautions for exceptional casesPrecautions for exceptional cases (pregnancy, etc.):

If you are pregnant or suspect you might be pregnant, it is important to inform your healthcare provider and the laboratory before undergoing the Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult test. Certain medications or treatments related to pregnancy may affect the test results, and the interpretation may be different during pregnancy.


FAQs for Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult Test:

Q1: How long does it take to get the results?

A: The test results for the Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult test are usually available within a few days, but it can vary depending on the laboratory. Your healthcare provider will inform you about the expected turnaround time for your specific test.

Q2: Can this test identify specific allergens?

A: Yes, the Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult test can help identify specific allergens. It screens for a panel of common allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and certain foods. However, further testing may be required to confirm specific allergies to a broader range of allergens.

Q3: Is this test painful?

A: The blood draw for the Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult test may cause minor discomfort, similar to a regular blood test. Most individuals tolerate it well, but if you have concerns about the procedure, you can discuss them with the healthcare professional performing the test.

Q4: Can this test diagnose all types of allergies?

A: The Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult test is a screening tool and can detect IgE-mediated allergies to common allergens. However, it may not detect all types of allergies, such as non-IgE-mediated allergies or allergies to uncommon substances. Additional tests and evaluations may be necessary to diagnose specific allergies.

Q5: Will a negative test result rule out all allergies?

A: A negative test result for the Allergy Screening Phadiatop-Adult test indicates the absence of specific IgE antibodies to the tested allergens at the time of the test. However, it does not completely rule out the possibility of allergies. Your healthcare provider will consider your medical history, symptoms, and other factors in making a diagnosis.

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