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Culture and Sensitivity, ET Tip

Original price was: ₹ 660.00.Current price is: ₹ 399.00.


Blood, NA, Fasting or Non Fasting: As suggested by doctor

sample requiredSample Required:

This test requires a sample collected from the ear canal using an ear tip (ET tip) or ear swab. The sample should be taken by a healthcare provider or a trained professional.

test timeTest Time:

The culture and sensitivity test using an ET tip typically takes several days to provide results. The exact time may vary depending on the type of bacteria or fungi being tested and their growth rate.

test normal rangeTest Normal Range:

The normal range for this test is “no bacterial or fungal growth.” If bacteria or fungi are detected, further testing is conducted to identify the specific microorganisms and determine their sensitivity to antibiotics or antifungal medications.

what is the testWhat is the Test?

The culture and sensitivity test using an ET tip or ear swab is used to identify and determine the susceptibility of bacteria or fungi causing ear infections. It aids medical professionals in selecting the best course of action.

test procedureTest Procedure:

A healthcare provider or trained professional will use a sterile ET tip or swab to collect a sample from the patient’s ear canal.The ET tip or swab is then sent to a laboratory. In the laboratory, the sample is cultured, allowing any bacteria or fungi present to grow. Once grown, the microorganisms are identified, and sensitivity testing is performed to determine which antibiotics or antifungal medications will be effective against them.

when to take the testWhen to Take the Test:

This test is taken when there are symptoms of ear infections, such as ear pain, discharge, hearing loss, or fever. It helps diagnose the specific pathogens causing the infection.

who should take this testWho Should Take This Test:

Individuals with symptoms of ear infections. People who have recurrent or persistent ear infections. Those with risk factors for ear infections, such as recent swimming or exposure to moisture.

precautions for exceptional casesPrecautions for Exceptional Cases (Pregnancy, etc.):

This test is generally safe for most individuals. However, pregnant individuals should inform their healthcare provider if they are undergoing the test.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q1: Can ear infections occur in adults, or are they primarily a childhood issue?

A: Ear infections can occur in individuals of all ages, including adults. They are not limited to children.

Q2: Can ear infections be caused by viruses?

A: Yes, ear infections can be caused by viruses (viral otitis). This test primarily identifies bacterial or fungal infections.

Q3: Are there any home remedies for ear infections?

A: Home remedies may provide temporary relief, but it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment of ear infections.

Q4: What are the common symptoms of an ear infection?

A: Common symptoms include ear pain, fluid drainage from the ear, hearing loss, fever, and irritability (especially in children).

Q5: Can ear infections lead to hearing loss?

A: If left untreated, severe or recurrent ear infections can potentially lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are crucial.

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