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Culture and Sensitivity, Guided Aspirate

Original price was: ₹ 660.00.Current price is: ₹ 399.00.


Blood, NA, Fasting or Non Fasting: As suggested by doctor

sample requiredSample Required:

A guided aspirate test typically requires a sample collected from a specific site within the body, such as a joint, abscess, or organ. The type and location of the sample depend on the patient’s condition and symptoms.

test timeTest Time:

The culture and sensitivity test from a guided aspirate can take several days to provide results. The exact time frame may vary depending on the type of microorganisms being tested and their growth rate.

test normal rangeTest Normal Range:

The normal range for this test is “no bacterial or fungal growth.” If bacteria or fungi are detected, further testing is conducted to identify the specific microorganisms and determine their sensitivity to antibiotics or antifungal medications.

what is the testWhat is the Test?

The culture and sensitivity test from a guided aspirate is performed to identify and determine the susceptibility of bacteria or fungi causing infections or other medical conditions in specific body sites. It aids medical professionals in selecting the best course of action.

test procedureTest Procedure:

A healthcare provider uses a sterile needle and syringe to aspirate a sample from the specific body site. A laboratory receives the sample once it has been collected. In the laboratory, the sample is cultured to allow any bacteria or fungi present to grow. Once grown, the microorganisms are identified, and sensitivity testing is performed to determine which antibiotics or antifungal medications will be effective against them.

when to take the testWhen to Take the Test:

This test is taken when a patient presents with symptoms or conditions that suggest an infection or other medical issue in a specific body site, such as a joint infection or an abscess.

who should take this testWho Should Take This Test:

Individuals with symptoms or conditions that require further investigation, such as unexplained joint pain, abscesses, or organ-related issues. Patients with suspected or confirmed infections at specific body sites.

precautions for exceptional casesPrecautions for Exceptional Cases (Pregnancy, etc.):

Patients who are pregnant or have specific medical conditions should inform their healthcare provider before undergoing this test. The healthcare provider will consider these factors when planning the procedure.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q1: Is guided aspirate the same as a biopsy?

A: No, they are different procedures. A guided aspirate involves removing a sample of fluid or tissue from a specific area, while a biopsy involves removing a small piece of tissue for examination.

Q2: Can this test diagnose conditions other than infections?

A: Yes, the culture and sensitivity test from a guided aspirate can help diagnose various medical conditions, including infections, inflammations, and certain non-infectious diseases.

Q3: Is the procedure painful?

A: The level of discomfort or pain experienced during the procedure can vary depending on the specific site being aspirated and the patient’s tolerance. To reduce discomfort, local anesthetic is frequently utilized.

Q4. How long is the turnaround time for results?

A: Results can take several days as the microorganisms need time to grow in the culture. The exact timeframe may vary.

Q5: Are there any risks associated with this test?

A: As with any medical procedure, there are some risks, such as infection or bleeding. However, healthcare providers take precautions to minimize these risks.

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