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Valproic Acid

Original price was: ₹ 1,155.00.Current price is: ₹ 999.00.

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Serum, Valproic acid is used as an anticonvulsant drug in treating epileptic seizures, often in combination with other drugs. It is also used as a mood-stabilizer, in cases of children with aggressive behavioral patterns and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is also approved in the treatment of migraines, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. It also gives promising results in the treatment of certain solid tumors, colonic cancers, medulloblastomas, follicular thyroid cancer, leukemias, and as a part of the multidrug regimen used in Alzheimer’s disease. The valproic acid test is available at a discounted price, along with a home collection., Non Fasting

sample requiredSample Required:

The Valproic Acid Test requires a blood sample, which is typically collected through a standard blood draw from a vein in your arm.

test timeTest Time:

The results of the Valproic Acid Test are usually available within a day or two, depending on the specific laboratory’s processing time.

test normal rangeTest Normal Range:

The normal range for valproic acid levels can vary depending on the laboratory and the specific type of valproic acid being measured. Your healthcare provider will interpret your results based on the reference range provided by the laboratory.

what is the testWhat is the Test:

The Valproic Acid Test measures the level of valproic acid in your blood. Valproic acid is a medication commonly used to treat conditions like epilepsy, bipolar disorder, and migraines. This test helps ensure that the drug is within a therapeutic range, where it effectively controls the medical condition without causing harmful side effects.

test procedureTest Procedure:

Sample Collection: A healthcare professional will clean the site on your arm, insert a needle into a vein, and collect a blood sample.

Laboratory Testing: The blood sample is sent to a laboratory for testing. There, it is processed to measure the concentration of valproic acid in the blood.

who should take this testWhen to Take the Test:

The Valproic Acid Test is typically taken:

To monitor the concentration of valproic acid in your blood regularly, especially when starting or adjusting the dose of medication.

When your doctor suspects that your valproic acid levels are either low or too high, resulting in inefficient treatment or possible side effects.

when to take the testWho Should Take This Test:

Individuals who are prescribed valproic acid to manage conditions like epilepsy, bipolar disorder, or migraines should take this test. It is especially important for those who experience seizures, mood swings, or migraines to ensure that their medication is within the therapeutic range.

precautions for exceptional casesPrecautions for Exceptional Cases (Pregnancy, etc.):

Special precautions are necessary for pregnant individuals or those planning to become pregnant. Valproic acid has been associated with an increased risk of birth defects. Pregnant individuals should discuss the risks and benefits of valproic acid with their healthcare provider and explore alternative treatments if possible.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q1: Why is monitoring valproic acid levels important?

A: Monitoring valproic acid levels helps ensure that the medication remains within the therapeutic range, where it effectively treats the medical condition without causing side effects or toxicity.

Q2: What are the possible valproic acid side effects?

A: Common side effects include drowsiness, weight gain, and tremors. In some cases, it can cause more severe side effects, such as liver problems, pancreatitis, or low platelet count.

Q3: Can valproic acid levels change over time?

A: Yes, valproic acid levels can fluctuate due to factors like changes in dosage, diet, or interactions with other medications. Regular monitoring helps adjust the dose as needed.

Q4: Can I take valproic acid if I’m planning to become pregnant?

A: If you’re planning to become pregnant, it’s essential to discuss this with your healthcare provider. Valproic acid is associated with an increased risk of birth defects, and alternative treatments may be considered.

Q5: Is fasting required before the Valproic Acid Test?

A: Fasting is typically not required for this test. However, it’s essential to follow any specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider or the laboratory where the test is performed.

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