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Proteins Total, Serum

Original price was: ₹ 237.00.Current price is: ₹ 169.00.


Serum, NA, Fasting or Non Fasting: As suggested by doctor

sample requiredSample Required:

A blood sample is required for the Total Proteins, Serum Test. A healthcare professional will draw blood from a vein, usually in your arm.

test timeTest Time:

The results of the Total Proteins, Serum Test are typically available within a day or two after the blood sample is collected. The precise turnaround time will depend on the laboratory’s workload.

test normal rangeTest Normal Range:

The normal range for total proteins in serum can vary depending on the laboratory and the specific assay used. Typically, it falls within the range of 6 to 8 grams per deciliter (g/dL).

what is the testWhat is the Test?

The Total Proteins, Serum Test measures the total amount of proteins in your blood serum. It provides useful information about your overall health and can aid in the diagnosis of a variety of medical issues.

test procedureTest Procedure:

A healthcare provider or phlebotomist will clean the skin over a vein in your arm and insert a needle to draw a blood sample. The blood sample is subsequently sent to a laboratory for testing. In the laboratory, the blood is centrifuged to separate the serum (the liquid portion of the blood) from the cellular components. The concentration of total proteins in the serum is measured using specialized equipment.

who should take this testWhen to Take the Test:

The Total Proteins, Serum Test is a general screening test that may be ordered as part of a routine checkup or when a healthcare provider suspects a medical condition that could affect your protein levels. It’s also used to monitor certain medical conditions and treatment responses.

when to take the testWho Should Take This Test:

This test may be recommended for individuals of all ages as part of a routine health assessment. Additionally, it can be essential for those with specific symptoms or conditions, such as liver or kidney disease, nutritional deficiencies, or autoimmune disorders.

precautions for exceptional casesPrecautions for Exceptional Cases (Pregnancy, etc.):

In most cases, the Total Proteins, Serum Test doesn’t require special precautions for pregnancy. However, always inform your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or have any specific health concerns before taking the test.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q1: What are the two main types of proteins measured in this test?

A: The two main types of proteins measured are albumin and globulins. These proteins serve various functions in the body.

Q2: What can cause low total protein levels in the blood?

A: Low total protein levels can be caused by malnutrition, liver disease, kidney disease, or conditions that affect protein absorption in the digestive tract.

Q3: What can cause high total protein levels in the blood?

A: High total protein levels may result from chronic inflammation, certain infections, multiple myeloma (a type of blood cancer), or dehydration.

Q4: Is fasting required before this test?

A: Fasting is typically not required for the Total Proteins, Serum Test. You can usually eat and drink as usual before the test.

Q5: Can medications affect the test results?

A: Some medications may influence protein levels in the blood. Inform your doctor about any medications or supplements you are using.

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