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Ceruloplasmin(Copper Oxidase), Serum

Original price was: ₹ 1,683.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,299.00.



Blood, Ceruloplasmin (CER) is the main transport protein for copper in the blood and plays a role in the body’s iron metabolism. Measuring levels of ceruloplasmin aids in the diagnosis of copper metabolism disorders. Various factors such as diet, hormone concentrations, and other genetic disorders, may influence plasma concentrations. Physical exercise, pregnancy (late), bile duct obstruction, primary biliary cirrhosis, patients on estrogen therapy, and leukemia exhibit increased levels of ceruloplasmin. Decreased levels are seen in Wilson’s disease, Menkes’s disease, Acute viral hepatitis, Nephrotic syndrome, gastroenteropathies, severe liver disease, malnutrition, and hypochromic anemia. Book Ceruloplasmin test from Medicas at a low cost and get home collection services., Non Fasting

sample requiredSample Required: 

A blood sample is required for the ceruloplasmin test. The sample is typically taken from an arm vein.

test timeTest Time: 

The ceruloplasmin test typically takes a few days to complete, including the time for sample collection, processing, and analysis.

test normal rangeTest Normal Range: 

The normal range for ceruloplasmin levels can vary between laboratories but is typically between 20 and 60 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).

what is the testWhat is the Test? 

The ceruloplasmin test measures the levels of ceruloplasmin, a copper-carrying protein, in the blood. Ceruloplasmin is a crucial component in the transport and metabolism of copper. Abnormal ceruloplasmin levels can be indicative of various medical conditions, including Wilson’s disease, a genetic disorder characterized by abnormal copper accumulation in the body.

test procedureTest Procedure:

A vein, typically in the arm, will be used to draw blood for testing by a medical practitioner. The blood sample is processed in a laboratory to isolate serum, which contains ceruloplasmin. Ceruloplasmin levels are measured using various methods, including spectrophotometry or immunoelectrophoresis.

when to take the testWhen to Take the Test: 

The ceruloplasmin test is typically ordered when a healthcare provider suspects or wants to rule out Wilson’s disease or other conditions related to copper metabolism. Symptoms of Wilson’s disease can include liver problems, neurological issues, and psychiatric symptoms.

who should take this testWho Should Take This Test: 

Individuals with symptoms suggestive of Wilson’s disease, such as unexplained liver problems or neurological symptoms, may undergo this test. Additionally, individuals with a family history of Wilson’s disease may be screened for the condition.

precautions for exceptional casesPrecautions for Exceptional Cases (Pregnancy etc.): 

Pregnant individuals and those with specific medical conditions should inform their healthcare provider before taking the test. While the ceruloplasmin test is generally safe, your healthcare provider will assess the need for testing based on your individual health status.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q1: What is Wilson’s disease?

A: Wilson’s disease is a rare genetic disorder that impairs the body’s ability to process copper, leading to copper buildup in the liver, brain, and other organs. It can cause a range of symptoms and potentially life-threatening complications if not treated.

Q2: What are the symptoms of Wilson’s disease?

A: Symptoms can vary but may include liver problems (such as hepatomegaly or jaundice), neurological symptoms (such as tremors or difficulty walking), psychiatric symptoms (such as mood changes), and Kayser-Fleischer rings (copper deposits in the eyes).

Q3: How is Wilson’s disease treated?

A: Medications that aid in removing too much copper from the body, like chelating agents and zinc supplements, are frequently used as treatment.. Dietary modifications may also be necessary.

Q4: Can ceruloplasmin levels change over time?

A: Yes, ceruloplasmin levels can fluctuate. Regular monitoring may be needed to assess treatment effectiveness and disease progression.

Q5: Is the ceruloplasmin test the only test for Wilson’s disease?

A: No, the ceruloplasmin test is one of several diagnostic tests for Wilson’s disease. Other tests, such as liver function tests, urine copper tests, and genetic testing, may also be used to confirm the diagnosis.

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