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Sickle Cell Test

Original price was: ₹ 451.00.Current price is: ₹ 369.00.


Serum, NA, Fasting or Non Fasting: As suggested by doctor

sample requiredSample Required:

A blood sample is required for a sickle cell test. This sample is typically collected from a vein in your arm.

test timeTest Time:

Depending on how quickly the laboratory finishes the test, the results of a sickle cell test are usually available within a few days to a week.

test normal rangeTest Normal Range:

Rather than a numerical range, the test often reports the presence or absence of aberrant hemoglobin associated with sickle cell disease.

what is the testWhat is the Test:

The sickle cell test is used to detect the presence of abnormal hemoglobin, such as hemoglobin S (HbS), which is characteristic of sickle cell disease. This genetic test helps diagnose sickle cell anemia and related conditions.

test procedureTest Procedure:

A healthcare provider will collect a blood sample from a vein in your arm using a needle and a collection tube. A blood sample is delivered to a laboratory for testing. In the laboratory, specialized testing methods are used to identify the presence of abnormal hemoglobin.

who should take this testWhen to Take the Test:

The sickle cell test is typically performed as part of newborn screening, during family planning for carriers, or when there are symptoms or family history suggesting sickle cell disease. Semen analysis is also used to review the success of a vasectomy procedure.

when to take the testWho Should Take This Test:

The test is recommended for individuals with a family history of sickle cell disease or those from populations with a higher prevalence of the condition.

precautions for exceptional casesPrecautions for Exceptional Cases (Pregnancy, etc.):

The sickle cell test is generally not affected by pregnancy or exceptional cases. However, it’s essential to discuss any specific concerns with your healthcare provider.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q1: What does a positive sickle cell test result mean?

A: A positive result indicates the presence of abnormal hemoglobin associated with sickle cell disease or being a carrier of the condition.

Q2: Can sickle cell disease be treated or managed?

A: While there is no cure for sickle cell disease, various treatments and medications are available to manage symptoms and complications.

Q3: Is the sickle cell test part of routine newborn screening?

A: Yes, in many countries, the sickle cell test is included in the panel of tests performed on newborns shortly after birth.

Q4: Can adults get tested for sickle cell disease?

A: Yes, adults can request sickle cell testing, especially if they have a family history of the disease or are planning to start a family.

Q5: Is sickle cell disease preventable?

A: While sickle cell disease is a genetic condition and cannot be prevented, genetic counseling and testing can help individuals understand their risk and make informed family planning decisions.

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