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Thyroxine, Total (T4)

Original price was: ₹ 330.00.Current price is: ₹ 229.00.



Serum, T4 is a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland that plays a role in the body’s vital functions, thus needs to be monitored. This test singly or in combination with T3 and TSH is used to identify thyroid disorders., Non Fasting

sample requiredSample Required:

Thyroxine, Total (T4) levels are measured using a blood sample. A healthcare professional will draw blood from a vein in your arm for this test.

test timeTest Time:

Results for Total T4 tests are typically available within a few days after the blood sample is collected.

test normal rangeTest Normal Range:

The normal range for Total T4 levels can vary depending on the laboratory and the specific testing method used. Your results will be interpreted by your healthcare provider.

what is the testWhat is the Test:

The Total T4 test measures the total amount of thyroxine (T4) in the blood. T4 is one of the two main hormones produced by the thyroid gland and plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism and energy production in the body.

test procedureTest Procedure:

A blood sample will be taken from a vein in your arm by a healthcare practitioner. The sample is then collected and transported to a laboratory for analysis. Specialized equipment is used to measure Total T4 levels in the blood.

when to take the testWhen to Take the Test:

The Total T4 test is commonly ordered as part of a thyroid panel to assess thyroid function.It can aid in the diagnosis of thyroid problems like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

who should take this testWho Should Take This Test:

The Total T4 test may be ordered by healthcare providers when assessing thyroid function and investigating symptoms related to thyroid disorders.

precautions for exceptional casesPrecautions for Exceptional Cases (Pregnancy, etc.):

Pregnancy and certain medications can affect Total T4 levels. It’s important to inform your healthcare provider of any such circumstances when taking the test.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q1: What is the role of T4 in the body?

A: Thyroxine (T4) plays a critical role in regulating the body’s metabolism and energy production. It influences various bodily functions.

Q2: How does a Total T4 test differ from a Free T4 test?

A: A Total T4 test measures the total amount of T4 in the blood, including both bound and unbound forms. A Free T4 test specifically measures the unbound (free) T4, which is the biologically active form.

Q3: What are some common symptoms of thyroid disorders?

A: Symptoms of thyroid disorders can include fatigue, weight changes, temperature sensitivity, and changes in heart rate, among others.

Q4: How are thyroid disorders treated if Total T4 levels are abnormal?

A: Treatment for thyroid disorders depends on the specific condition. Abnormal Total T4 levels are considered alongside other thyroid function tests to guide treatment decisions.

Q5: Can Total T4 levels fluctuate over time?

A: Yes, Total T4 levels can vary due to factors such as hormonal changes, illness, and medication. Monitoring these levels helps assess thyroid health.

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