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Health Package – Eluru

Original price was: ₹ 2,100.00.Current price is: ₹ 999.00.



Available in Eluru only

Tests Including:

1 Complete Blood Count(CBP)
2 Liver Function Test ( LFT)
3 Renal Function Test (RFT)
4 Lipid Profile
5 Fasting Blood Sugar(FBS)
6 Hemoglobin A1c Or Glycated hemoglobin(Hba1c)
7 Thyroid Profile(TSH,T4,T3)

sample requiredSample Required:

The “Health Package – Eluru” includes tests that require different types of samples:

Liver Function Test (LFT): Blood sample

Lipid Profile Test: Blood sample

Complete Blood Count-CBC: Blood sample

HbA1c: Blood sample

Electrochemical Glucose Analysis (EAG): Blood sample

Renal/KFT (Kidney Function Test): Blood sample

Thyroid: Blood sample

Iron: Blood sample

Calcium: Blood sample

Phosphorus: Blood sample

test timeTest Time:

The total test time for the “Health Package – Eluru” can vary depending on the efficiency of the testing facility and the number of patients. Generally, it may take several hours to complete all the tests, including sample collection and processing.

test normal rangeTest Normal Range:

Each of the tests in the package has its own set of normal reference ranges, which indicate what is considered a typical or healthy result. These ranges can vary depending on the laboratory and the measurement units used. Normal ranges will be provided with the test results.

what is the testWhat is the test?

The “Health Package – Eluru” is a comprehensive health assessment that includes a wide range of tests to assess various aspects of your health:

Liver Function Test (LFT): Assesses the health of the liver by measuring different markers.

Lipid Profile Test: Measures cholesterol and related lipids to assess heart disease risk.

Complete Blood Count-CBC: Assesses overall health by measuring different components of the blood, including red and white blood cells.

HbA1c: Provides a three-month average of blood sugar levels to assess long-term diabetes control.

Electrochemical Glucose Analysis (EAG): Measures glucose levels in the blood.

Renal/KFT (Kidney Function Test): Assesses kidney function by measuring markers like creatinine and urea.

Thyroid: Measures thyroid hormones (T3, T4, and TSH) to assess thyroid function.

Iron: Measures iron levels in the blood to assess iron deficiency.

Calcium: Assesses calcium levels in the blood, important for bone and muscle health.

Phosphorus: Measures phosphorus levels in the blood, important for bone and energy metabolism.

test procedureTest Procedure:

The procedure for each test involves collecting a specific sample (blood) and then analyzing it in a laboratory using specialized equipment and techniques. These tests are typically non-invasive and do not require any special preparation from the patient.

who should take this testWhen to take the test:

The “Health Package – Eluru” can be taken as a comprehensive health assessment to monitor overall health. It’s also recommended if you have specific health concerns, risk factors, or if your healthcare provider advises it.

when to take the testWho should take this test?

This package is suitable for individuals of various ages who want a comprehensive health assessment. It’s especially beneficial for those with risk factors such as a family history of chronic diseases, specific symptoms, or those concerned about their overall health.

precautions for exceptional casesPrecautions for exceptional cases (pregnancy, etc.):

Pregnant individuals should inform their healthcare provider before undergoing these tests, as some tests may not be suitable during pregnancy. In such cases, the healthcare provider will determine the most appropriate tests to ensure both maternal and fetal health.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q1: Is fasting necessary before these tests?

A: Fasting may be required for certain tests in this package, such as Lipid Profile and Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS). Follow any specific fasting instructions provided by your healthcare provider or testing facility.

Q2: Can I continue taking my regular medications before these tests?

A:It’s critical to tell your doctor about any medications you’re taking. They will provide guidance on whether to continue or temporarily suspend any medications before the tests.

Q3: How often should I undergo these tests for routine health checkup?

A: A routine health checkup like this can be done annually, but your healthcare provider can provide personalized recommendations based on your health status and risk factors.

Q4: What should I do if my test results are outside the normal range?

A: If any of your test results are outside the normal range, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider. They will interpret the results and recommend appropriate follow-up actions or treatments.

Q5: Can I eat or drink before these tests?

A: For certain tests in this package, fasting is required. However, it’s essential to follow any specific fasting instructions provided by your healthcare provider or testing facility.

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